Spring Clean The Crap Out Of Your Gaming PC

Spring Clean The Crap Out Of Your Gaming PC

Ah, spring! Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, and your gaming rig is crying out for some much-needed attention. You know, that massive digital graveyard of games you promised yourself you'd finish one day? It's time to face the clutter and give your hard drive a spring cleaning it'll never forget. 

Why Spring Clean Your Gaming PC?

As if the gargantuan size of modern games wasn't enough of a headache, here's why spring cleaning your gaming rig is worth your precious gaming time:

  1. Improve system performance: It's no secret that a cluttered hard drive can wreak havoc on your load times and overall gaming experience. Ditch the excess baggage and let your PC spread its wings and fly... or at least run a little faster.
  2. Make room for new games, son: Remember when you promised yourself you'd stop buying games you'll never play? Yeah, neither do we. Make room for your next impulse purchase by letting go of some past regrets. Games like COD: Modern Warfare 2 require 125 GB of available storage. Even more than was needed for space-hungry Eldon Ring.
  3. Rediscover hidden gems: Like stumbling upon a forgotten $20 bill in your jacket pocket, you might just uncover a long-lost game you adored (and then promptly abandoned). Time to give it another shot!

How to Spring Clean Your Gaming PC: 


  1. Audit your game library: Grab a snack, sit down, and take a cold, hard look at that list of games you've been avoiding. You know the ones—the games you bought during that late-night sale and never touched again. Time to bid them farewell. 


  1. Back up your game saves: Just in case you get nostalgic for that game you haven't played in years, save your progress like a digital time capsule. Who knows? You might want to pick it up again when you're bored, desperate, or both.


  1. Uninstall games: Do it through your gaming platform and use their interfaces to uninstall games with the click of a button. It's like swiping left on your gaming past, without the guilt. 


  1. Manually remove leftover files: Some games are like that one annoying friend who overstays their welcome. Hunt down those pesky residual files hiding in your folders and show them the door.


  1. Optimize your hard drive: After you've purged your hard drive of old games, give it a nice defrag spa treatment. Your PC will thank you, and your games might even run smoother. It's a win-win!


So, fellow gamers, roll up your sleeves and give your hard drive the spring cleaning it deserves. And if you want to get literal about it, cleaning your gaming PC with compressed air is a smart way to remove dust and debris that can impact your computer's performance. Especially if you don't do it on the regular.

However you approach this task, your gaming rig will thank you, your new games will have room to breathe, and you'll feel a sense of accomplishment... before inevitably filling up that space again. 

And if your rig needs more than a cleaning, here are some options for your budget.